Blue sky? No thank you – give me dramatic skies any day I’ve got the camera out (and yes… I love bumping the exposure down to lean into said drama).
Fortunately when I finally made it to the Grand Canyon nature cooperated… perhaps a little too aggressively as we had to take brief shelter from a snowstorm passing through. I’ve heard reviews of the canyon range from “amazing” to “meh – it’s a big hole in the ground”. For my part, I’ve landed squarely in the “amazing” camp. In fact I’ll go as far as to call it… “grand” (although I believe my description at the time used “majestic”). I could have sat there all day watching the light change as the clouds rolled through and the sun ultimately set. While we only had time for a day trip this visit I can’t wait to get back and actually hike into the canyon to experience it in a new way.
Base camp for the trip was two nights in Sedona, AZ so I grabbed a few shots there as well and tacked ’em onto the end of the gallery here.